Stage2 pp79より
What do we call the thing we wear on our heads?
What do we call A?
→ Aの事を何と呼んでい...
カランメソッドのテキストStage2 pp71に出てくる、anybodyとsomebodyの違いに対する回答の意味です。
The difference between “anybody“ and “somebody“ is that
we use “anybody“ in questions and negative sentences,
whereas we use “some...
Stage2 pp70より
Do the people in Germany speak the same language as the people in Japan?
→ ドイツ人と、日本人は同じ言葉を話しますか?
Do A speak the ...
Stage2 pp66より
Which do you prefer: tea or coffee?
→ どちらの方が好きですか?: 紅茶 or コーヒー?
紅茶の方が好きなら、I prefer tea to coffee.が回答
コーヒーの方が好きなら、I prefer coffee to ...
Windowsでgitを使用していると、以下のようにOut of memoryエラーが出て処理が行えない場合があります。
Auto packing the repository for optimum performance. You may also
run "git gc" manually. See "git help gc" for more i...
カランメソッドのテキストStage1 pp46に出てくる、tall/shortとhigh/lowの違いに対する回答の意味です。
The difference between “tall“ and “short“ and “high“ and “low“ is that
we use “tall“ and “short“ for people,
whereas we use “hi...
カランメソッドのテキストStage1 pp51に出てくる、anyとsomeの違いに対する回答の意味です。
The difference between “any“ and “some“ is that
we use “any“ in questions and negative sentences,
whereas we use “some“ in positive senten...
カランメソッドのテキストStage2 pp57にあるpresent continuous(現在進行形)と、present simple(現在形)の違いに関する回答の説明です
The difference between the present continuous and the present simple is that
we use the present conti...
Stage2 pp64より
Is there anybody sitting there on that chair
→ その椅子に誰か座ってますか?
thereが2回出てくるが、最初の"Is there"は存在を表す"There is"の疑問形。2回目の"sitting there"は、"そこ"を表すthereを意味する。
カランメソッドStage2 pp64の例文より
Do you generally sit completely still in the lesson?
⇒ あなたは、通常レッスン中に、完全に座ったまま(動かずに)居ますか?
## 単語
generally 普通、一般的に、大体、大抵
## Question
Kushner, Donnie Jr. and the rest of the Trump crime family better keep their overnight bags handy. Pack shoes with no laces guys.
2017/12/08 Stage 1, pp. 11, sitting / New work
2017/12/09 Stage 1, pp 16, grey / New work
## Question
A word ending with e usually doesn't have a vowel at the end like...